You are given a list of integers and you need to find the most occurred integer or sometime it is called most popular element in the list. static Integer[] intList = {5,21,21,3,4,5,5,3,6,7,65,5,21,21,21,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4};
This is very common interview question and can have multiple correct solution, but interviewer expect you to give the most efficient solution.
One solution would be to
- Iterate through the list twice
- Compare the elements inside the second iteration
- Increment the counter.
- Compare the counter with previously saved maxOccurred variable.
- And if counter is greater than previous value, save the counter value to maxOccurred variable.
1: public static void mostOccurentElement(){
2: Integer mostOccurentElement=0;
3: Integer mostOccurences = 0;
4: for (Integer number : intList) {
5: int count = 0;
6: for (Integer number2 : intList) {
7: if(number.equals(number2)){
8: count++;
9: }
10: }
11: if(count > mostOccurences){
12: mostOccurences = count;
13: mostOccurentElement = number;
14: }
15: }
16: System.out.println("Most Occured element = "+mostOccurentElement+" Most occurnces are : "+mostOccurences);
17: }
Output of above solution:
Most Occurred element = 4 Most occurrences are : 11
Most Occurred element = 4 Most occurrences are : 11
Complexity of this method is O(N2) where N is length of this list. Better solution would be to avoid the second for loop. Second solution would be:
- Iterate through the list once.
- Get and populate the value as number of occurrences of each element into the map.
- Iterate through the map
- Compare each value with previously saved maxOccurred variable.
- And if value is greater than previous value, save the counter value to maxOccurred variable.
1: public static void mostOccurentElementByMap(){
2: Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
3: Integer mostOccurentElement=0;
4: Integer mostOccurences = 0;
5: for (Integer number : intList) {
6: if(map.containsKey(number)){
7: Integer integer = map.get(number);
8: map.put(number, integer+1);
9: } else {
10: map.put(number, 1);
11: }
12: }
13: Set<Entry<Integer, Integer>> entrySet = map.entrySet();
14: for (Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : entrySet) {
15: if(mostOccurences < entry.getValue()){
16: mostOccurences = entry.getValue();
17: mostOccurentElement = entry.getKey();
18: }
19: }
20: System.out.println("Most Occured element = "+mostOccurentElement+" Most occurnces are : "+mostOccurences);
21: }
Output of above solution:
Most Occurred element = 4 Most occurrences are : 11
Most Occurred element = 4 Most occurrences are : 11
Complexity of this method is O(N) where N is length of this list. The space complexity is also N. I will add new better solution if I could also reduce the space complexity. If anyone of you have better solution, please do suggest in comment section.
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